Sanity is Overrated

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24 February 2007

So, Yeah!

So I am sitting here, finally able to get back online after the phone company pissed me off and screwed up my DSL, and it took them five days to get it back up.

And I Don't feel terribly profound and I have no idea if anyone is actually reading this anyway, but what the hell, right?

Anyway, just an update that I am back online. Talk to you all soon


21 February 2007

Stupid People

As taken from -

In the state of Florida

"It is considered an offense to shower naked."

Well damn! I think the vast majority of us have been breaking the law pretty much all of our lives. I mean hell, I keep forgetting to put that swimsuit on before I jump in the tub.

I keep dumbly undressing my children before attempting to clean them, thinking that perhaps the cleaning process might be more effective that way. But apparently I am a law-breaker and a criminal.

I mean, come on give me a break, who comes up with this Stupid Crap?!?!

Believe it or not, hundreds of thousands of these things exist. Guess the government had nothing better to do!


Who put these people in charge, anyway!

So it occurs to me that no one is actually reading this thing anyway, and I don't know why I bother pouring so much time into writing it. But, I do it anyway.

I write because it is one of the basic things I am entitled to do by living in this country.

If I want to, I can bitch about any damn thing I want, as long as I don't do so in a manner that is threatening or injurious to others in an extreme sense.

But then again, I know that there are members of government who want to supress the free speech of those who speak out against them. They want to take away a freedom that was a part of the very basis this country was founded on!! What the hell are they thinking?

Theoretically, by the nature of "free speech," I could bitch about anything I wanted, the way the country is being run, what color I think the white house should be, or some other crap. But with the so-called Patriot Act and other crap like that, if I speak my mind, I may be viewed as a terrorist or some other random bullshit that just makes me angry.

We were given the right to assemble in the constitution too, but now anymore if ya try to do that, you are viewed as a terrorist, or someone trying to cause trouble and make life generally miserable for those around you.

I still think the government needs to back off and allow us to have the freedoms that we were so entitled to at the outset of this thing. Then again, I also think the government needs to stay out of silly things like a woman's body and what she is allowed to do with it.

Just as much so, I think the church needs to stay out of government. Don't get me wrong. Even though I don't believe the same things as you, I still think you are entitled to believe what you want to. But don't try to force your views on me because It will NOT work. I have a set of ideals and beliefs in my head, and the majority of people do not agree with me. So what? I am allowed to.

So many decisions are made in government based on what is "morally right." Who the hell gets to decide what exactly that is anyway? Do a bunch of people get together, stuffy old white guys in suits, perhaps, and say "well I wouldn't do something like this, so it must be immoral."

We are quickly turning into what our forefathers came here to get away from, and it really sucks. We should be able to speak our mind without fear of persecution or injury. We should be able to say how we feel without worrying about someone putting us in jail for our beliefs. If you think this doesnt happen, you are ignorant and dont watch the news or read the papers. Unfortunately, it happens every day in this country.

You forget this is a country in which some states have laws saying that you cannot spit on the sidewalk on Tuesdays, and you goat may not wear pants at any time. (look 'em up, it's true. i think the website is, or something like that.)

Enjoy your freedoms while you have them. They won't last forever, trust me!


19 February 2007

Backwards Holiday!

So, It is Monday morning and I am sitting here trying to be profound, and then I remember, how can I be profound on a day like today?

Today is the day that we honor all the dead presidents!!! We honor all the people in the past who have totally fucked up our country, and then get statues and monuments built to help us all remember that!!!

I can't call the banks, because no one is there. I can't call the IRS to find out where the hell my money is, because they are closed. And I can't call any one of my slew of attorneys to get all my other bullshit straightened out, because they aren't working today either.

If the country wants to give us something to celebrate, maybe they should have a day where all the government officials have to work, but the rest of us don't. That would be a great idea. Give us a day where all the "government" people are in their offices, and the rest of us poor schmucks that have jobs can actually take care of our business because the banks, lawyers, IRS, post office, and whatever are all actually still in their offices when we get home! Now there would be a novel concept!

Now, think about it. That would make the masses really happy! How many times have you needed to call the bank and straighten something out, or go to the post office to get an important piece of mail delivered, or something else like that, and by the time you get home for work, you are thinking "@$!#@$, they are closed so I cant get anything done!!!!"

I think we should all right our representatives in government and request this holiday, as this would be so much more beneficial than half the other crap they call holidays. Sure, there would be no mega sales that claim to "save you a shitload of money," but people would actually be able to do something useful, instead of sitting on their collective asses playing video poker and looking at porno on their days off.

Well, okay, so this will never happen, but it seemed like a great idea, didn't it?


14 February 2007

People suck

So why is it that people feel the need to be complete jerkoffs, just for the fun of it?
Why do people feel the need to do spiteful, hurtful things to others, just because they can?

Every religion or path to faith, or whatever ya wanna call it, has their own way of putting things. Some say "Do unto others, as you would have done to you." The basic theory is whatever you put out there is going to come back.

If you are kind and generous with your time, then that will be rewarded in kind. But it goes both ways. If you are a total asswipe, that will come back too.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not talking an eye for an eye here, but karma. Try it. Do something mildly rotten. Within a short period of time, something slightly more rotten will happen to you or someone you love.

Okay, so now some of you are thinking "oh boy, its that chain letter crap." No not like that. But if I am kind and generous, and do my best to be helpful and friendly to people around me, good things will come to me. If I chose to treat people like garbage and walk on them, bad things will happen to me.

I do my best to treat people the way I want to be treated. Too bad everyone else doesn't live that way. But the funny thing is that they won't win. I am going to keep doing the best I can to be the best person I can. I love my life, and I love my children. I wouldn't trade where I am or what I have gone through for anything. It is all part of the process.

For today, I am going to try even harder to be a better person. I wish I could instill this in the people around me, but I guess I will have to settle for instilling it in my children.

Life happens, and when it does, you just pick up the pieces and keep trudging on.


13 February 2007

Valentines Day Sucks

Okay, so I am sitting here. It is almost one in the morning on Valentine's Day. It has been Valentine's day for a whole half an hour or so, and already I think it stinks!!!

I am just remembering every other Valentine's Day from years past and remembering all the sappy crap I have had to witness and endure. I remember all the "happy" couples who feel the need to rub in the face of their single friends that they have someone to share it with when they are all alone and miserable.

Well, news flash. I am one of those people who is alone. And I have formulated an opinion about this "holiday" that I would like to share with my readers.

Why do people feel the need to be complete jerks all year, and then think that they can make up for all the bullshit they pulled all year but spending a shitload of money this one day, thinking that will make everything okay? What douchebags!!!

Why can't people just be real and show how they feel all year long, instead of just trying to be all fake and thinking they can buy your affection?

Heres a news flash. Silly little things, like remembering to say I love you every day, writing little notes. And I dont mean notes saying " I want your body, lets have sex" but things like, "I will be thinking of you today."

Love cannot be bought, or at least it shouldnt be able to be. It should be something that is felt and lived. It should be a part of who you are, not what you can get for someone, and certainly not what you can get out of them. People confuse lust and love way too much these days.

Love is something you have to work for, and work at. You have to diligently work to make sure the one you are with knows that they can depend on you. You have to make sure they know you appreciate them, and they will return the affections.

So try something. Make your loved one breakfast in bed, Tell them you love them. Find some chore around the house that they dislike doing, and just do it for them. If you aren't all that domesticated, look it up. There is a shitload of information on the web (you know, that thing you use to look at porno all the time when the girlfriend isn't around).

Don't get me wrong, flowers and stuff are nice, but why does there have to be a "holiday" for you to do it. Do it because it is a thursday, or because it's April, or whatever. Just because. Do it because you have absolutely no reason or motive at all.

Make sure the people in your life know how you feel about them, and they will return the gesture. They will let you know how they feel about you, and they will live, happier, healthier lives because of it.

Okay, so down off the soap box now, my carpal tunnel is acting up. Enjoy each other. Life is too short to waste time.


Nifty Counter Thing, Part II

Okay so i figured out how to put the nifty counter thing at the top too so if you are curious about it, you dont have to scroll all the way to the bottom! Yay me!!!

So I am starting to get the hang of this HTML code thing! Oh god, I am turning into a computer geek, eh!


Nifty Counter thing

Okay, so I am not sure how it is working, but I installed this nifty little counter at the bottom of the page (its at the bottom because that is the only place i could figure to put it...i will play with it later and see if i can move it)

So check it out. Only 8 people reading! Come on guys!! I know there are more of you out there than that. When I posted on Myspace, there were dozens and dozens every time i posted. Where did all of my reading friends go?? :-(

Well anyway. The nifty counter thing lets me track how many people visit and what days they visit on.

Thats all for now. Nothing terribly profound, and I know, now I sound like a geek.


11 February 2007

Television Challenge

I sit here day after day. I survive without cable television, or for that matter, any television at all. I here people complain about how they can't do this or that because their favorite show is on. Funny, I used to be one of them.

But now, as I sit here and think about it, my life is more full than it ever was when I was a television junkie. Okay, so don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good DVD now and then, but that is about it. I don't sit at the television for hours on end just staring blankly, entranced by what is on the screen.

I get to spend more quality time with my children. I get to get out and do things with friends. I get to be a happy, well-rounded woman whose brain is not rotting away because of the mindless drivel coming out of a little electronic box.

I read. I write. I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I sometimes just get in the car and drive to nowhere in particular, just for the sake of getting out and going. Sure, sometimes I get bored, but then I find something else to do.

I am constantly trying new things now. I have started walking. And believe me, after my first two block hike, my legs wanted to fall off. I am getting a bit better.

I enjoy cooking . I bake cookies about once a week just for the hell of it.

I read books with my children, and they are better for it. My son, 3 and a half, loves books. He doesn't even seem to miss television, and it was a big part of his life for a long time. I will admit that when he was a bit younger, when his dad first left us, I am guilty of using the television as a babysitter so i could get some work done, or get some cleaning done, or just take a two minute shower. I worked at home at the time, and it was hard being a pregnant, single mother, trying to take care of an extremely active two year old. I needed a break sometimes too.

But now, I still manage to get those showers, and get work done, and get the house cleaned, because he is content to sit for a while "reading." And I think he is actually starting to understand the words on the pages, which is an even greater accomplishment.

Our children learn by our example. If they see us hunker down in front of a television for a dozen hours straight, and never get up and go out and get active, they will feel that that is acceptable. Probably part of the cause for so many obese children. And parents are suing the fast food companies. (I will post more on that one later)

Life without television is great. I have time to chat with friends, read books I have been meaning to read, and get back to work on my novel even! Trust me, six years of blood, sweat and tears, and it still isnt finished, may be another six before we get there. But I walked away from it for two years and havent even looked at it. And then, for a lot of that time, I was a television blob.

In November, I made a conscious decision to kill the cable, and I don't have an antenna. I now only show educational videos for my children, and the occasional silly Disney movie. My son loves Cars. It is probably one of his favorites. For a very long time, I thought he was saying something obscene because he would incessantly quote the "I'm in the Piston Cup!" line.

So I have a challenge for all of you. Turn off the television and spend time with loved ones. See if you can go a whole day without turning the evil box on. Go ahead, do it now, I will wait. .....

Done? Okay, good. Now get out of the house. Go enjoy a park, or a museum, or even better, a library. Or Just wander around your town for a few hours, on foot. There are amazing things to do and see in every neighborhood. You just have to get out and look for them. Trust me, you will thank me for this later.

With that, I am going to get off of here and go take my own advice. There is a nature trail in town calling my name, and it is even more fun at night than during the day. Now, where did I put that flashlight.



The posts that follow in this forum may include language you might not want your ten year old reading. They may also include subject matter, without the aforementioned language, that you may not want your ten year old reading. Sometimes I will use big words, and if you don't understand them, look it up. I am an intelligent woman, and will sometimes use language that reflects that. Please don't post comments like "whatid that word mean?" I will just laugh and not answer anyway.


So hjere I am.

SO I have decided that I was going to start Posting a lot of my writing here, instead of on my previous forum, the junior high hell hole, I mean Myspace. I thought, maybe I would be a little more free to speak my mind in this forum. Myspace allows for too much trivial bullshit. Whether any of my friends and family will find their way here or not, I have no idea, but we will give this thing a shot. There are several things that I posted on myspace since my last update here, but i am not going to copy and paste them in as that would just be boring and redundant, it was a lot of the same old bullshit that i have already posted, and no one wants to listen to me whine and complain. I have decided to take a new tack at this thing.

If I come accross something in the outside world that pisses me off, I will post about it here and ask for others to give their opinion also. I will be posting various degrees of silliness, i.e, if I do something incredibly stupid (some of you know about my new years eve escapades) I will lay it all out for the world to see. I decided, If someone doesnt like what I have to say, the hell with them. I am happy, and I am free to do what I please. After all, this IS MY forum. I can write about what I want.

I hope that people will find it interesting enough to read, as I am an aspiring writer who is looking at some point to publish SOMETHING. I have been working on this novel for oh, about 6 years now that just has never really gotten off the ground and I am at a point beyond that of writers block when it comes to the subject matter therein.

So here I am, in a nutshell. All the cuts, bruises, and various miscellaneous parts of me as yet unseen. For now I will sign off. I will follow this post with a warning and disclaimer, just so that people don't get mad at me.


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