Sanity is Overrated

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22 October 2008


Have you ever felt like your whole life has stopped making any sense? Have you ever felt like everything seems to be crashing down around you? Have you ever felt like you were losing your grip and you couldn't find a way to grab ahold again?

Things just dont make any sense right now. Things just seem to keep happening that I dont understand, and dont even realize are happening. And I dont know what to do.

It seems like everything is getting worse, and somehow I missed it happening. I dont know where I lost my way, but I have. I need to find my way back again, but I dont even know where to begin.

I wish i knew what the answers were. I wish i had a way. I wish somoene could see who I really am, but I dont know where to start with that, either. I know that this is not me. I know that this is not how I always am, and i know this is not how I want to feel.

I miss being able to know that I could pick up the phone and need to scream or cry and somoene would be there. I miss being able to be me and be okay.

More than anything, I miss having something to hold onto, and a friend to tell me everything is going to be okay. But I shut everyone out, closed every door, and burned too many bridges.

Can any of this come back ? I do not know. Can I find my way again? I dont know that either. Will anyone even read this or care? who knows.

Today I am trying, and that is the best I can do. I am going to do the best I can to try to find my way again, but I dont know how things will play out.
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